Pinterest – Just Do It!

You might have heard of, a new (well not that new) social media site.  It is like FaceBook in that you connect and see items that your friends post, but it is all visually based.  You pin pictures onto boards, I have a All You Can Eat board, Hair & Fashion board and many other boards.   I have seriously enjoyed my Pinterest time (which my husband calls a waste of time, he doesn’t realize how many meals throughout the week are picked off of Pinterest.)

But besides how much fun it is, it is also a great business tool.  If you are selling any type of product/idea, having a Pinterest account is a great idea.  You can pin pictures onto your pinterest page and attach it to your blog on a how-to or why-to article.

Example: You have a blog about desserts, you post a picture of a brownie peanutbuttery wonderfulness.  When your friends or those that have friended you see this post they will click on it to learn how to make the goodie, thereby leading them to your blog or website.  Ha ha it is fabuuuuuulllllooooouuussss!!!

Be ahead of the game and get onto Pinterest.  Even if you don’t have anything to sell, it is a blast!

Change Your Mindset – Bring Business Back!!!

We have all felt the effects of the recession, it is what we do with those effects that makes us stand apart from the competition.  A few steps that have really helped me are below.

Step 1: Grab Hold of the Social Butterfly

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. We see the profit lines plummet, and so does our attitude.  As a small business owner we start to lose ambition.  This is the time when we need to get out there and sign up for events, host, and network –  get so busy that your schedule starts to blur with activity.

Another quick help is to create an advisory board.  Talking to people who have done it, who have gone through it, and who have picked themselves up is a real inspiration.

Shutting yourself up inside your home or office is by far one of the worst things that you could do, so get out there and get back in the game!!!

Step 2: Feed Your Mind – Positive Thoughts & People
Read inspirational books, motivational books, pick up books that will help you gain knowledge (or enjoy a really good book.) 

Stay positive!  Take the people out of your life that are hoohumers.  If your secretary is a go-getter great, but if  your Director of Business is a pessimist.  Fire the DOB and get a new person in that seat. You want the people on your team and those leading the team to be achievers with a positive outlook.

Fill your life with good things. Theater, dates, good books, good people, charity events, service projects, whatever it is just make sure that it is uplifting.

Be your own cheerleader this will pull you into a new sphere of life – an encouraging one.

Step 3: Get Up and Move – Ok I know, but Really it is Good for Your Brain
Sign up for the gym, get up an hour earlier than before, and move that body.  Often when our lives get stressful we drop out of our workout routines.  But when we are feeling stressed our body produces noradrenaline, a stress hormone that can affect our attention and quality of thinking. Exercise spurs endorphins to counter the buildup of stress hormones in the body.   John Tesh said, “You create brain cells when working out.”  So if John Tesh said it, it must be true.

Step 4: Stay on Top of Industry Trends
If you don’t have the time or money to spend at a conference, consider online educational videos. and are both great sites.  Youtube too has tons of videos, hop on and learn. Listen while cooking dinner or cleaning the house.


Are you a HUNTER or a FARMER?

In business what would you categorize yourself as being a HUNTER or a FARMER?

A hunter is an individual who is good at getting out there and making a sale.  A farmer is an individual who is content with maintaining current business.  One is not better than the other.  A hunter can be a farmer, but a farmer is not good at being a hunter.

Only 20% of the 300,000,000 people in the US are hunters by nature.  Competition, presentations, risk and rewards help hunters thrive and build.  Farmers prefer knowing what tasks need to be done to make a customer happy, but not the selling part.

For every 100 clients that a hunter brings in (may vary on your field of work) they need a farmer to maintain the business for them.

Which are you – the HUNTER or the FARMER?  Analyze this before taking a position or hiring an employee for a position that will require them to be what they are not.

Predictability & Reliability – Two MUST HAVES for Business Success

I was at a conference in Las Vegas where the speaker was energized about how to maintain and grow business (I can’t remember his name).  He stated that, “Predictability & reliabilty are the two main factors.” I walked away feeling like, “It can’t be that simple.” 

After reviewing the current company I work for, I realized that “YES IT CAN!”  It is a piece to the recipe of success.

Now my main focus is to create that with everyone else in the office and to stress this “predictabilty & reliability” theory.  I hope that they accept it and feel the “AHHHHHHH” moment that I did.


Professional Women of Wisconsin – We have a name!!!

Where: AJ Bombers (downtown Milwaukee)

Time: 6:30pm – whenever

When: 08/24/10 – Tonight, sorry about the late notice

We will be discussing new business cards and sharing what we have each accomplished this past month.

New Women’s Networking Group in Milwaukee

A group of good friends from college have decided to kick off a networking group that is going to focus on everyone’s current needs.  We are kicking around a few names.  I will keep you posted when it is finalized.  My personal favorite is Pink Heels Networking or Networking in the City.

Since we are going to rotate to different restaurants email me if you are interested in attending.

A Great Way to Make a FREE Website

If you are a little creative and HTML illiterate then check out this very awesome site –  Create a free account and start building your business today.

The site is really easy to use and comes with free templates.

A Short Note on Trade Show Marketing

-How to Work a Trade Show Where Competition is Fierce-

I have been at five trade shows in less than two months.  Each trade show has been a fierce competition for the customer’s attention.

One booth had a magician pulling objects out of thin air, another booth had a psychic telling fortunes, crowds gathered for the shows.  Now I am not saying hire an entertainer but they did draw the crowds.  But out of those standing around I wonder how many were truly interested in the product/service.

Another tactic was to have a door prize this is a great way to market your company.  Collect emails and have a list created for follow up.  We offered a free webinar, that didn’t cost our company any money up front (wish it was an ipad-that would have been the best free gift).  Find ways to be creative in a slow economy (that is turning around).

We also purchased fortune cookies that told the client that they were going to use our company.  We always have pens and high quality looks great, but you (depending on the company) can also try fun pens and different kinds for each year.  Having different fun options for customers will bring their eye to your table and that gives you the chance to rope them in.

Keep in mind that potential clients are not going to just stop and ask about your company (very rare) you have to draw them in.  Ask them field specific questions. Like, “Are you looking to cut cost in ____ area?”   Then I would say something to the effect of “I have some great informational materials to help you achieve that goal, and you can call me and I can walk you through the steps.”

Give them a chance to talk, learn about them, find out where your company can meet a potential need.

There are more great ideas, I will get around to them another time.

Hope Your Good @ Math – Financials

What to include:

  • monthly projection for sales for at least three years
  • create a monthly and annual budget
  • be prepared to explain how you arrived at these numbers (your research should be your backup)
  • outline start-up costs
  • balance sheet
  • and a cash flow statement

A great resource to nail this section is and  Good luck with your business plan!!!

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