Are you a HUNTER or a FARMER?

In business what would you categorize yourself as being a HUNTER or a FARMER?

A hunter is an individual who is good at getting out there and making a sale.  A farmer is an individual who is content with maintaining current business.  One is not better than the other.  A hunter can be a farmer, but a farmer is not good at being a hunter.

Only 20% of the 300,000,000 people in the US are hunters by nature.  Competition, presentations, risk and rewards help hunters thrive and build.  Farmers prefer knowing what tasks need to be done to make a customer happy, but not the selling part.

For every 100 clients that a hunter brings in (may vary on your field of work) they need a farmer to maintain the business for them.

Which are you – the HUNTER or the FARMER?  Analyze this before taking a position or hiring an employee for a position that will require them to be what they are not.